Can coffee help in weight-loss this summer season?

Summer is nearing! Maybe for some, it is almost here! We see the gyms flooding with people. Friends inquiring about diets. Weight loss and so called ‘toning’ comes from a combination of diet and exercise. There’s no other way around it.

The fastest yet safest way in a weight loss program is the planning that is required for the journey. With the right nutrition and a guided workout plan, such journeys are a sure fire success. The safest diet? It is safe to assume that a caloric deficit, in all intents and purposes is the safest among all diets out there.

Coffee. Yes, coffee, coffee, coffee is your best bet for a drink if you want to help you and your caloric intake. Coffee (without the cream and sugar) only contains 2, yes two (2) calories!!! In a book entitled “The Coffee Lover’s Diet” by Dr. Bob Arnot, he states that an intake of 720ml or 3 cups of coffee a day aids in any kind of diet/s that are out there.

Coffee also contains antioxidants that lower blood sugar levels in our bodies. Coffee also stimulates ‘brown fat’ or brown adipose tissue which our body uses to heat us when we feel cold. It (coffee) stimulates the brown fat to be used in strenuous activities such as a workout. It precedes glycogen in activation as long as the intake of coffee is at least 30 – 45 mins before the workout. This wonder drink (coffee) is relatively more affordable than any pre-workout drinks out there.


Did we also mention that it is also the safest drink for a pre-workout? Yes, coffee is a pre-workout. Coffee attributes in aiding the following:

  1. Fat loss: Yup! That’s right! Coffee stimulates the fat cells to be used up in a workout more than glycogen.
  2. Increased performance: The British Journal for Sports Medicine states that consuming caffeine puts out more power that comes from a person. (So long as you take it in plain black)
  3. Improved focus: Always the go-to drink to start your day strong!
  4. Decreased muscle pain: a recent study from the University of Illinois states that consuming coffee decreases the fatigue that the muscles receive during a workout. Which also means that coffee is a good intra-workout drink!
  5. Prevents diseases: Again and again, coffee has antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals.

Summer may come and go, but the results from this journey of yours will also make you feel better about yourself and moving forward, set new goals and break your old goals. Coffee will help you get there. It will be your constant assistant to get to your goals safer. Make the smart decision today! Coffee is a wonder drink that is affordable and readily available! What are you waiting for? Grab your fresh beans with us today! Invigorate yourself and go further with coffee!



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