Celebrate Undas 2018 with Café De Lipa’s Barako Blend

In Western culture, the day of the dead or “Undas” is considered to be a somber occasion where people contemplate, reflect, and remember their deceased loved ones. In the Philippines, however, this occasion is celebrated festively as friends, families, and relatives gather for prayers, food, and drinks.

In the Philippines, family is always tight knit. We take opportunities in occasions such as the Undas to bring the entire clan together and form a reunion. Aside from the food, what’s never absent is the drink, especially coffee.

Did you know that our coffee habit can be passed down from generations? How we prepare our coffee and drink it can be passed down from family tradition. Filipino coffee is brewed and is always better served black and strong.

Café De Lipa’s Barako Blend embodies the spirit of the true Filipino coffee. The rich history of how these beans were carefully grown and brewed is one that also demonstrates how coffee culture is indeed passed down from generations (read our story here).

Imagine the rich combination of Liberica, Excelsa and Robusta blended together to simulate heavy body with that rich Barako taste in your palette. It’s the drink that will surely keep you awake and alert this Undas!

We also have other grounds available in our Café De Lipa online store. You can choose from blended and single origin packs. Experience our fast and reliable coffee delivery service as we deliver your coffee straight at your doorstep.

So visit the Café De Lipa online store and make us part of your Undas 2018.






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