Coffee and Pregnancy

Can Pregnant Women Drink Coffee?

Pregnant women are encouraged to change their lifestyle and give up a lot of tempting food and drinks, including coffee. But pregnant coffee lovers, don’t fret. Studies show that it’s perfectly fine for pregnant women to drink coffee as long as they monitor their intake to the minimum.

Why can’t pregnant women just skip the joe, for now? While some women err on the safe side, sometimes you just can’t help that need to satisfy your coffee craving.

But it’s not just that.

Studies show that pregnant women can benefit from moderate coffee intake during pregnancy. Pregnant women experience hormonal changes that make them prone to depression, neural tension and weakness, and caffeine contained in coffee can help cope with these problems by boosting their mood. The diuretic effect of coffee can also benefit pregnant women who experience swelling.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) advices that it’s safe for pregnant women to have 200 milligrams of caffeine per day. That’s good news if coffee is the only source of caffeine in your bloodstream. That means it’s safe for you to consume at least 2 standard 100 ml cups of brewed coffee.

Again, the quantity varies depending on the amount of caffeine present in your diet. So, it’s always recommended to seek the advice of your healthcare professional.

To order your fresh packs of premium coffee grounds, visit our Café De Lipa online store. Experience our fast and reliable coffee delivery service. We deliver your pack straight at your doorstep without the hassle!


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