Is Coffee the Ultimate Love Potion?

Need something to put you on the mood? Grab a quick cup of Joe.

We all know that coffee is a natural stimulant. There are studies that suggest it also acts as an aphrodisiac too. Aphrodisiac’s, named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, are stimulants that increases libido. Throughout culture, these stimulants are said to arouse and increase men and women’s physical response and desire. Scientists have also long considered coffee to be an aphrodisiac because it’s stimulation has similar effects.

Scientifically, caffeine is considered an aphrodisiac because it immediately improves the mood by stimulating dopamine, the chemical in the brain that makes people feel pleasure. An increased production of dopamine in the brain can heighten a person’s senses and movements. Coffee also affects the production of serotonin, a feel-good chemical, that when released by the brain, makes us feel happy, passionate and loving.

But other than that, we all know that everyone loves good coffee and this may just be another reason why coffee dates are a thing. So why not give your valentine a cup of joe today? Celebrate valentines with a cup in one of our stores and who knows? Maybe some of you could end up igniting the flame of romance this holiday.

You could also order your fresh pack of affordable premium coffee grounds in our Café De Lipa online store. Experience our fast and reliable coffee delivery service. We deliver your pack straight at your doorstep without the hassle!


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