Coffee Farmer Now, Tomorrow’s Millionaire?

Coffee is the most consumed beverage globally, and is second only to oil as the most valuable commodity exported by developing countries. Unlike other crops, coffee farming requires little management. It’s actually easy because you don’t need to do it on a full time basis, as long as you have a trained farmer-in-charge and farm supplies are provided on-time. Even small farmers can readily start coffee farming as it needs only a minimal investment. Labor and materials cost just around P50,000...


Who says it’s the perfect cup?

Taking that sip from your day’s first cup of coffee is the best part of waking up. For a moment, whether you’re at home or at your favorite coffee shop, you breathe in that refreshing aroma while feeling the warmth of the morning sun and your worries temporarily melts away. Then the caffeine whacks your brain and you’re good to go. And that is precisely why getting that first cup right is so important for any coffee-lover. Once you...


What exactly is third wave coffee?

More likely than not, you or someone you know have come across the phrase, “third wave coffee” in one form or another. So what exactly does it mean? And if there is a third wave, what were the first and second waves? The experts don’t usually agree in its definition but there are certain points that everyone accept as facts. The first wave came in the 1960s, when for the first time ever, coffee became widely accessible to the general...