How to Make Coffee using the Aeropress with Paper Filter

What you Need:

  • 15 grams of ground Cafe de Lipa Coffee
  • Hot Water (12 Ounces)
  • Aero Press
  • Paper Filter
  • A Mug


1. First, wet the paper filter with hot water to avoid the papery taste.
2. You’ll need about 15 grams of coffee to 12 ounces of water (suggested brewing ratio).
3. Add your ground coffee. The coarseness of ground coffee must resemble that of sea salt. Be careful not to spill any grounds into the ring-shaped gutter at the bottom of Aero Press. The Aero Press should be on top of a mug or a cup.

4. Gently pour the amount of water that you need.
5. Wait for 30 seconds after pre-infusion. Then, pour the remaining water.
6. After 1 minute, stir grounds until you have enough space to press.
7. Begin applying downward pressure.
8. Your brewed coffee is now done.


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