Coffee Profile Juan

Introducing our very own coffee profiles! These profiles is to help you, our beloved patrons, to be able to choose which blend fits your lifestyle! First up, our very famous Baraco Blend: Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce to you JUAN! Juan is often described as the perfect gentleman. He appears quiet and composed, but his friends know that he can crack a joke with almost anyone. He may not be the loudest person in the room, but he often surprises everyone...


Coffee Profile Ella

Introducing our very own coffee profiles! These profiles is to help you, our beloved patrons, to be able to choose which blend fits your lifestyle! Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce to ELLA! Bubbly, smart but a little bit odd, that’s how people often describe ELLA. She’s your go-to girl when you need a friend, a shoulder to cry on and a late-night study buddy who’ll tutor you for Algebra. She loves hanging around the coffee shop cooped up in the...