What makes Colombian Coffee Special?

People tend to ask, “What makes one coffee better than the other?” Is it the consistency, the body, the taste, or the acidity? There is really no direct answer because the verdict of good coffee boils down to preference. What it is that you’re looking for in your coffee?

Today, we feature one personal coffee favorite of ours: Colombian Coffee. And what makes Colombian coffee a favorite? Read on to find out.

Arabica is one of the types of coffee beans most sought after because of its sweet and mild flavor. Colombian coffee is a type of Arabia that was grown in Colombia. What makes this bean special is that it has one extra step added to the processing which gives it its distinct characteristic, which we’ll go into more details later.

In the traditional method, when coffee cherries are dried up, the beans are removed from the dried fruit. Colombian coffee cherries, however, are mashed to release a mucus-type of pulp. Then beans are then washed off for several days with a lot of water. The remaining beans that are dried up are then roasted to several different levels, giving the beans an even milder flavor.

Now, this results to the best features of the Colombian coffee that we love here in Cafe De Lipa: 100% medium to dark roast, less acidity with the medium body enough to give the right kick. And to take it up a notch, it leaves that delicious chocolate after-taste.

If you think this is the right coffee profile you’re looking for, or it’s something new you’d want to try, order your pack through our Café De Lipa online store https://cafedelipa.ph/shop/coffee-packs/columbia-coffee.

Experience our fast and reliable coffee delivery service. We deliver your pack straight at your doorstep without the hassle!



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