Is Coffee the Ultimate Love Potion?

Need something to put you on the mood? Grab a quick cup of Joe. We all know that coffee is a natural stimulant. There are studies that suggest it also acts as an aphrodisiac too. Aphrodisiac’s, named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, are stimulants that increases libido. Throughout culture, these stimulants are said to arouse and increase men and women’s physical response and desire. Scientists have also long considered coffee to be an aphrodisiac because it’s stimulation has...


Drinking more coffee can lower gout risk

Gout is particularly common in men. It starts with a buildup of uric acid in the blood. This leads to deposits of uric acid crystals in the joints that causes intense pain and swelling. Did you know that coffee lowers gout risk? A US/Canada study shows that the more coffee you drink a day increases your chance of lowering gout risk. Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of gout by lowering uric acid levels in the body. Coffee increases the...


Coffee and Pregnancy

Can Pregnant Women Drink Coffee? Pregnant women are encouraged to change their lifestyle and give up a lot of tempting food and drinks, including coffee. But pregnant coffee lovers, don’t fret. Studies show that it’s perfectly fine for pregnant women to drink coffee as long as they monitor their intake to the minimum. Why can’t pregnant women just skip the joe, for now? While some women err on the safe side, sometimes you just can’t help that need to satisfy your...


How Coffee Can Help Alleviate Feelings of Depression

Feeling blue? While the holidays are a time for celebration, it can also trigger depressive episodes due to the increased demands of the season. The number of activities, social interactions and to-do lists that people need to manage may cause emotional stress. Not to mention the worsening of the traffic situation brought about by longer mall hours and last minute holiday shopping sprees. In other cases, people who are affected by a condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) experience...


How Brewed Coffee Can Give You A Better Energy Boost

Need a boost? We all know that our daily cup of joe Is our quick go-to for that needed energy boost. Did you know that brewed coffee has higher caffeine content than instant coffee? Caffeine is a natural stimulant that yields positive effects to the body. It improves physical and cognitive performance, as well as increases mental alertness and decreases fatigue. Research suggests that caffeine has a half-life of around four to six hours so our body continues to feel...


Coffee Profile Juan

Introducing our very own coffee profiles! These profiles is to help you, our beloved patrons, to be able to choose which blend fits your lifestyle! First up, our very famous Baraco Blend: Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce to you JUAN! Juan is often described as the perfect gentleman. He appears quiet and composed, but his friends know that he can crack a joke with almost anyone. He may not be the loudest person in the room, but he often surprises everyone...


Coffee Profile Ella

Introducing our very own coffee profiles! These profiles is to help you, our beloved patrons, to be able to choose which blend fits your lifestyle! Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce to ELLA! Bubbly, smart but a little bit odd, that’s how people often describe ELLA. She’s your go-to girl when you need a friend, a shoulder to cry on and a late-night study buddy who’ll tutor you for Algebra. She loves hanging around the coffee shop cooped up in the...


A Coffee a day helps keep Diabetes away

Prevention is always better than cure, which is why healthcare professionals all around the world take a month to focus their attention to spread awareness on the need to address the growing concern of the epidemic of Diabetes. According to International Diabetes Federation, there were over 3,721,900 cases of diabetes in the Philippines reported in 2017. These numbers are expected to rise. It’s always important to keep your health in check. Even the smallest step towards a healthy lifestyle...